Single-Payer Universal Healthcare, also called "Medicare for All," means a healthcare system in which providers are reimbursed by a single, public funding source.
Michigan for Single Payer is fighting for Single-Payer Healthcare for all Michiganders.

Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare
"Everybody In, Nobody Out"
Sign the State Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHCA) House of Representatives Petition
Ask your U.S. Senators to sponsor the Senate SBUHCA legislation
Sign the online
Medicare for All Petition
(for anyone in Michigan)
In addition to the online petition, we also have a template for 8 1/2" x 14" (legal size) paper petitions that you can print yourself (or through a local printer) and circulate at in-person gatherings. We will be presenting these signatures to public officials so that they can see the level of support and interest in Medicare for All in Michigan. We want our federal legislators to support the Medicare for All Acts in both the House and Senate and we are asking state and local officials to consider passing resolutions in support of Medicare for All.
If interested in gathering signatures on our behalf, please use this template to print the petitions as you need them. You can also request paper petitions from us but we ask for a small donation to defray our expenses. Email us at for details.
Take note! Sign up to join Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare by submitting a M4SPH Supporter Sign Up form. Get on our mailing list for the latest news and information about Medicare for All and single payer. Do it now!
Download PNHP's slideshow explaining the changes in the M4A legislation for 2021-22.
Download our M4SPH PowerPoint:
Shorter version (10-15 min) / Longer version (35-45 min)
Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare advocates for single payer healthcare on both the national and state level. We are a 501c4 nonprofit organization. Donations to Michigan for Single Payer Healthcare are not tax-deductible.